eBay Used Cars Sales

This is my submission for March 2024 DataDNA Challenge hosted by Onyx Data. The dataset provided includes used car listings crawled from eBay Germany around 2016.

Dashboard Usage

  • Have an overview of the second-hand automobile market in Germany.
  • Help car buyers narrow down their search by key car specs (brand, mileage, age, power...) and compare choices to find the best deals.
  • Help car sellers know where they are positioned in the market and aware of typical stagnant posts' characteristics.


I cleaned and transformed the data in Power Query to make sure only relevant records are kept for the analysis. Since the data is crawled from a German site, I had to do some rough translation of key categories. Power BI is then used to visualize this dataset.

Key findings

  • 1
    Preferred Car Type

    Limousine crowned the list of most resold and probaby sought after vehicle type, which makes sense considering its great value for money for a second-hand vehicle.

  • 2
    Price Range

    Average price for an used car listed on eBay Germany is about 7,000 euros. Brand-wise and segment-wise, the price will vary but generally, the budget for an old car shouldn't exceed 15,000 euros (remember we were back in 2016 :)

  • 3
    Success Factors

    I isolated a subset of data for what I called "stagnant posts", which are active listings for over 90 days. From analyzing this specific group, I realized that to attract potential buyers, a car listing should always have images, the car should have a normal usage rate (more than 10,000 km per year), and of course shouldn't exceed a typical budget for an used car.